Hooray! It's time to make announcements! With service providers, that is.
Service with your utility providers, coverage through insurance companies, mail forwarding with the post office, and switching school registrars (if applicable) should be updated about three weeks before your tentative scheduled closing date. If you need moving services, this is also the time to get quotes for movers and reserve rental trucks. This will give everyone time to schedule any service work.
At The Stancato Group, we'll send you a reminder to switch everything out and over to the new address so you won't have any interruption of service.
Change of address notifications with your wireless phone provider, the BMV, and your work place can take place up to 30 days after your move.
We've conveniently listed of all the utility companies and their contact numbers for you to download below. They are categorized by county and city.
Post Office;
School Communities;
and Bureau of Motor Vehicles;